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  Return uppercase equivalent of foreign chars too

   Function:   XPupper()

               Uppercase will return the uppercase equivalent of
               the given string. Why the hell make an Uppercase?
               are you asking yourself. This one is for use on
               indexing or other sorting out: It properly
               converts the extended characters, like ., . and ...
               So instead of having classified those letters
               after 'z', they are now just where they should
               Uppercase is written in Assembly, thus quite fast enough.

               XPupper() converts the characters 128 through 165 to
               their Uppercase equivalent (generally good), and now
               also converts chr(225), the german '.', to a single 'S'.
               All other greek characters are not converted.

               The different NATION messages also have support for
               different countries. I can imagine that using XPupper() can have
               it's advantages, as to have the knowledgde that the function
               will always work exactly the same way, independent of the
               Clipper Libraries or Modules linked in.

               Note that you may make an XPupper() kinda function yourself
               by constructing an apporpriate 256 char table of characters
               which you want converted, and use the XPtranslate() function.

   Syntax:     XPupper(<cStr>) --> cUpStr

   Arguments:  <cStr> is the string to convert. Memos and strings
               up to any length will be converted.

   Returns:    The string, properly converted to Uppercase.

   Usage:      Index on XPupper(name)
               Some people are called Ren., Fran.oise etc..,
               You don't want Fran.oise to come after Franz, don't you?

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson